What Are the Best Cat Accessories?

What Are the Best Cat Accessories?

cat standing
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Accessorizing your cat is a must. Of course, some things are essential and then some items that will be considered extra. Before you bring your new kitten home, you’ll want to stock up on the essentials. Over time, though, you might realize that you need additional supplies and accessories, as well. In this guide, we’ll cover what you need to get started with a new cat or kitten, as well as the accessories that they’ll need and enjoy over the course of their lifetime.

New Kitten Supplies

If you are just bringing a new pet into your home, some definite must-have supplies should be on your list. A new kitten or cat needs to feel comfortable in their surroundings and you should try to make sure that you have everything in place before you bring them home. That way, they know this is their home now, too. To help your kitten (and your family) adjust better, here are the most important cat accessories to have.

  • Crate or Carrier: Cats are not the type of animal that likes to travel, typically speaking. Therefore, you will want to invest in a new carrier or crate that is sturdy and makes your kitten feel safe. Consider the hard plastic style carrier that offers easy cleanup and durable construction, that offers easy access. Bag-style carriers are fine, but they’re not as rigid and could allow your cat to rip the fabric and escape.
  • Food and Water Dishes: Of course, you can’t go without new food and water dishes for your new kitten. There are so many different options available today. You can find standard double dishes that have a compartment for food and water in one dish or separate dishes. There are even many stylish dishes available today that are designed to fit into home decor better than the standard plastic cat food dish.
  • Litter Box: No cat’s home is complete without a proper litter box. This is perhaps one of the most important, and most difficult, options for people who are bringing home a new kitten or cat. There are so many styles and types out there to choose from and everyone claims to have the insight on which is best. You can stick to a standard litter box to start with, and then decide later if you want to upgrade to something with more features or that offers automatic scooping, for example.
  • Toys: Although you won’t know exactly what toys your cat likes until you get to know them a little, it’s helpful to buy a few different things at the pet store and give them the option to choose. You shouldn’t spend a lot of money until you find out what they like, but consider catnip toys, wands with strings, and other interactive and hunt-inspiring toys.

Collar and ID Tag

Cat Collar ID Tag - Cat PoopsThis one gets a category all on its own because it is such an essential part of cat ownership. You will need to go buy a collar for your new kitten that suits their personality. Choose a color or style that you like, or just pick one that’s functional. Consider the safe-release collars to protect your furry companion from potential collar accidents. There is a lot to choose from and you should have no trouble finding something that fits perfectly.

You’ll also need to get an ID tag for your kitten. While you might not think they’ll ever get out and need to be “found”, you can never say never. ID tags are usually $10 or less, and they’re an invaluable tool to give you peace of mind that your cat will always be safe. Even if you decide to have your pet microchipped, you should still purchase a standard ID tag so that they can find their way home without having to be scanned.

Cleaning Supplies and Accessories

These are less for your cat and more for taking care of your cat, but they’re still an essential part of your toolkit. You will want to make sure that you look at food mats, litter mats, and other tools that are designed to discourage spills and messes so that you have less clean up in the first place. You’ll also want to stock up on pet-friendly cleaners for your home to ensure that your new pet isn’t exposed to dangerous chemicals.

Invest in a cat litter scooping tool or system so that you can enjoy the easy cleaning of the litter box. Consider deodorizers and other essentials, too, so that you don’t ever have to worry about “smelling” the cats in the house.

Cat Furniture and Big Toys

Cat Furniture Accessories - Cat PoopsCats love climbing, hiding, and obstacles. That’s why cat trees, boxes, and other enclosures and large items are a lot of fun for them. Consider whether you want to invest in any of these larger items, but wait until you get to know your cat and their personality. There’s no sense in spending a lot of money on a huge cat tree only to find out that your cat never uses it, after all.

Cat trees, toys, beds, and other cat furniture accessories are essentials if you want to allow your kitten to feel right at home, and it will help keep them entertained and out of trouble. The market for furniture and big cat toys is growing, and you should be able to find plenty to engage your kitten.

Put Yourself in the Kitten’s Paws

The best way to accessorize and ensure that your cat has all of the essentials is to put yourself in their shoes—what would you want and need if you were coming to a new home? Get to know your kitten’s personality, as discussed, before buying expensive toys or items, but for the most part, you should be on the right track as long as you keep these items in mind.

Cats are an addition to your family, and just like the rest of your family members, they require certain essentials and accessories for day-to-day life. Now that you have a better idea of what those are, you’ll be able to ensure that your furry companion has everything that he or she needs.

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