What Is the Most Common House Cat?

What Is the Most Common House Cat?

sleeping cat
Reading Time: 4 minutes

House cats come in several breeds, including a wide variety of mixed breed cats that are a blend of various domestic cat species. You have probably encountered at least a few different breeds in your lifetime, and while some of the pure breeds out there are beautiful, they are much rarer and often costly. The house cat, on the other hand, is in no short supply.

Many cities have laws against “dumping” strays and cats because of overpopulation problems and are looking for better ways to help people reign in the cat control by offering spay and neuter clinics and other resources to discourage strays and excessive breeding that would further complicate the overpopulation problem. For now, the majority of the cats that you see will be from a mixed group that has no single specific origin.

Domestic Short-Haired Cats

While some people do own purebred cats, by and large, the most popular cat owned as a pet is the domestic short-haired cat. This cat is a mixed breed that doesn’t belong to any specific ancestry, and that has simple, short fur. In the UK, they’re often called moggies, and in American English, we call their dog counterparts “mutts”. This cat is not to be confused with standardized shorthair breeds, either, as those are recognized as specific varieties and not just a generic type of domestic cat.

90-95% of all house cats in the United States are domestic short-haired cats. They are often just called house cats or alley cats. Some people also call them “tabby cats”, but this is a name that’s reserved specifically for the tabby breed or those with the pattern. Of course, there are so many different types of domestic short-haired cats to choose from because they are a mixture of a little bit of everything.

This is what makes them unique, even though it might seem like they’re anything, but the “typical” house cat is just as different as you are from your neighbor. Just because you’re human doesn’t make you the same. You may not be able to trace the exact lineage of a domestic short-haired cat, but you’ll definitely be able to tell that they have their own “type” and personality.

These cats can have different textures and types of short hair and come in several different colors and patterns. Tabbies and black and white cats are quite common, but there are plenty of other domestic mixed cats, as well.

Expensive Cat Breeds

Those who don’t have “just a cat” may have chosen one of the popular purebred options that are available today. Persian cats require a lot of grooming and care, but they are a favorite among cat people for their beautiful features, soft fur, and their sensitive, gentle nature. They aren’t typically recommended for families or small children, since they’re more laid back, but they can be a lot of fun for the right owner.

Some people choose Siamese cats, which are playful, vocal, and often smaller than the average cat. Siamese cats come in various sizes and lineages, though, so you might find something different when you’re in the market to expand your pet family. If you want a high-energy cat that’s going to keep everyone entertained, this is the way to go.

Maine Coon cats are another type of pure breed that a lot of people choose. These large, playful cats are gentle giants, and they are quite smart. These are popular farm cats and they’re known for being followers, happily following their people around, indoors, and out. They require grooming like Persians, but not so much that it’s bothersome. They will, however, need more room to exercise than a standard house cat.

Other popular specialty cat breeds include:

  • Himalayan
  • Burmese
  • American Shorthair
  • Ragdoll
  • Exotic Shorthair
  • Abyssinians

For the 5-10% of people who don’t have a mixed breed “house cat”, these are the most popular breeds that are found. They can offer various personalities and enjoyable features for different people, so be sure to consider all of the options when you are getting a new cat.

What Type Of Cat Is Right For You?

Of course, there’s a reason that mixed breed cats are popular– they’re cheap, or free, in most cases. People give away free kittens like they’re going out of style in the spring and early summer months. It’s not hard to get your hands on a great mixed “house cat” that is going to give your family years of love and enjoyment. Specialty breeds, on the other hand, can cost a lot more money than people realize.

Not only that but when you are looking for a specialty breed, you’re usually ruling out the chance to rescue, unless you go through a breed-specific rescue organization. While you might have your heart set on one breed or another, be sure to thoroughly check out your options before you get too far in over your head or pick a cat without all the facts.

Also Read: What Supplies Do You Need To Get For A New Kitten?

Mixed Breeds Are House Cats For A Reason

If you’re not sure about just getting a house cat, you might want to reconsider. These nonspecific cats offer a lot of traits that make them great companions. The sheer lack of lineage and breeding should indicate that these cats were made for being pets, not for breeding or other uses. The best thing you can do when looking for a new cat is to focus on the cat itself rather than its breed. Unless you have your heart set on something specific, this might be a better option.

Whatever you decide, know that you’ll likely find more mixed house cats than anything else and that you will still have a wide variety to choose from within that category. Mixed breed cats are also less prone to genetic diseases and breeding-related health issues, so they may be a better choice for people who want something low-maintenance, as well. Now that you know more about the cats out there, you will be able to decide what’s best for your family.

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